Box MC949
Contains 98 Results:
St. Joseph Historic Neighborhood
The collection consists of Board of Trustees minutes, Quarterly Conference minutes, Sunday school records, United Methodist Women records and minutes, membership records, blueprints, legal records, clippings, historical records, photographs, audiotape cassettes and numerous other miscellaneous records. Files received in 2006 (M006.042) are arranged in alphabetical order as they were received.
State of the Church Report, by Arthur I. Neurman, 1970 - 1973
The collection consists of Board of Trustees minutes, Quarterly Conference minutes, Sunday school records, United Methodist Women records and minutes, membership records, blueprints, legal records, clippings, historical records, photographs, audiotape cassettes and numerous other miscellaneous records. Files received in 2006 (M006.042) are arranged in alphabetical order as they were received.
State of the Church Report, by Robert Sachs, 1976
The collection consists of Board of Trustees minutes, Quarterly Conference minutes, Sunday school records, United Methodist Women records and minutes, membership records, blueprints, legal records, clippings, historical records, photographs, audiotape cassettes and numerous other miscellaneous records. Files received in 2006 (M006.042) are arranged in alphabetical order as they were received.
Stately Central Church Gets New life, by Isabel Boyer, Indianpolis Star, January 27, 1979
The collection consists of Board of Trustees minutes, Quarterly Conference minutes, Sunday school records, United Methodist Women records and minutes, membership records, blueprints, legal records, clippings, historical records, photographs, audiotape cassettes and numerous other miscellaneous records. Files received in 2006 (M006.042) are arranged in alphabetical order as they were received.
Stenciling of Auditorium, Photograph of Original Wallpaper
The collection consists of Board of Trustees minutes, Quarterly Conference minutes, Sunday school records, United Methodist Women records and minutes, membership records, blueprints, legal records, clippings, historical records, photographs, audiotape cassettes and numerous other miscellaneous records. Files received in 2006 (M006.042) are arranged in alphabetical order as they were received.
Stewardship and Finance, Committee on
The collection consists of Board of Trustees minutes, Quarterly Conference minutes, Sunday school records, United Methodist Women records and minutes, membership records, blueprints, legal records, clippings, historical records, photographs, audiotape cassettes and numerous other miscellaneous records. Files received in 2006 (M006.042) are arranged in alphabetical order as they were received.
Stinsman, Andrew
The collection consists of Board of Trustees minutes, Quarterly Conference minutes, Sunday school records, United Methodist Women records and minutes, membership records, blueprints, legal records, clippings, historical records, photographs, audiotape cassettes and numerous other miscellaneous records. Files received in 2006 (M006.042) are arranged in alphabetical order as they were received.
Storms, Albert Boynton - Leaflets Published During His Pastorate, 1910 - 1915
The collection consists of Board of Trustees minutes, Quarterly Conference minutes, Sunday school records, United Methodist Women records and minutes, membership records, blueprints, legal records, clippings, historical records, photographs, audiotape cassettes and numerous other miscellaneous records. Files received in 2006 (M006.042) are arranged in alphabetical order as they were received.
The Story of this Place and The Story of the Church's Mission - Historyies Written in the Time of Rev. Robert D. Schoenhals
The collection consists of Board of Trustees minutes, Quarterly Conference minutes, Sunday school records, United Methodist Women records and minutes, membership records, blueprints, legal records, clippings, historical records, photographs, audiotape cassettes and numerous other miscellaneous records. Files received in 2006 (M006.042) are arranged in alphabetical order as they were received.
Stricker, Edwin W., 1947 - 1953
The collection consists of Board of Trustees minutes, Quarterly Conference minutes, Sunday school records, United Methodist Women records and minutes, membership records, blueprints, legal records, clippings, historical records, photographs, audiotape cassettes and numerous other miscellaneous records. Files received in 2006 (M006.042) are arranged in alphabetical order as they were received.